"Ikigai" - why this Japanese philosophy has meaning in the Workplace

Wikipedia defines the concept as follows:

“The term ikigai compounds two Japanese words: iki (wikt:生き) meaning "life; alive" and kai (甲斐) "a reason for living [being alive]; a meaning for [to] life; what [something that] makes life worth living; a raison d'etre".

The word ikigai usually is used to indicate the source of value in one's life or the things that make one's life worthwhile.  Secondly, the word is used to refer to mental and spiritual circumstances under which individuals feel that their lives are valuable. It's not linked to one's financial status[5]. Even if a person feels that the present is dark, but they have a goal in mind, they may feel ikigai." 


I love the concept but have added a further circle to make it 5 circles of ‘true engagement”, the last one being “you are supported to grow”.  If you have all 5 in place in your work, then you are truly engaged and have “a reason for living”

John PoulsenComment